Do you feel like God has so much in store for you, yet you’re not sure if you can carry it out?
I mean, you believe God is sovereign and doesn’t make mistakes. However, you feel like you made so many mistakes that you don’t know if God will still use you.
The good news is that God knows how you feel. Plus, He knows better than you!
David, in the Bible, was quoted saying, “I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.”
Psalm 139:14 ESV
We have to know that if God made us in His image, we are valuable. We are his most prized possession.
In order to showcase your SWELO and help others, you need to realize that you are worth helping too. You have to help yourself before you can be of service to anyone else.
There are people in your life God assigned to you to help. Yes, everyone of us have people that God entrusted us to serve . . . and SERVE WELL.
Your family . . . your friends . . . even strangers can use your service!
Doubt is a trick from the enemy. It’s short for double talk. It is the second thought that enters your head after you received a message from God.
It happened with Eve in the garden of Eden The serpent questioned what Eve heard from God, and she believed a talking snake?! Over the Creator?!
When we put things in perspective, we realize how God sees us, we are worth more than we think we are.
I encourage you, just like I try to encourage myself, to keep pushing forward.
If there’s something God placed on your heart to do, just take action. Don’t worry about who has already did it or done it better. You do it if God called you.
Think about it; God maybe calling you because someone else doubted their calling too long.
Be the one that answers the call!
- Gift